Photography: Nature,Architecture,Wildlife,Photojournalism


New Year Boing Boing

So before all the photo series start for 2014, I thought it would be awesome to use this blog the way blogs are used actually, sharing and re-blogging ..So I thought how about have a few nice images that could actually act as a booster to the previous new year’s resolution post that I shared yesterday.. so lets have a few images:

Burst your ego


Just Let Go..



Hear what Muhammad Ali has to say


Just do it..




Believe in yourself..


Because remember…


And finally a little Inspiring story that might help u buckle up for your 2014..


Mike Waudby (31) weighed 462 lbs. He was at a bar one night when a woman asked him to leave the bar because his size ‘Made her feel sick.’

depressed-man-01 copy

He buckled up,went on a diet and started exercising regularly.And look what he made out of himself ==>>

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HAPPY 2014 PEOPLE..!! SPREAD THE LOVE…! ~ Marcus Sam

Voices in your head

Couldn’t  help but share it..How many times do the voices in your head pull you back…?


via Donuts for Sharks & Marcus Sam Blog



The Megastorm , The Frankenstorm , The Sandy

To everyone in the US please stay safe, don’t panic and use your common sense (Brain stops working when u panic)….Our prayers are with you…We hope for the best and things will be sunny very soon..Please keep calm and take care…

~ Marcus Sam Team

Meanwhile here is a picture of New York taken today morning

Here are some useful links related to Sandy




Important Note :

If you or your loved ones are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, and you all have smart phones, this is an excellent app offered FREE by the Red Cross.

If you text them from your mobile device at “**REDCROSS” (**73327677)

they’ll send you the link to the app or you can download it directly from itunes or Google Play. They’ll send you updates for your area.Nifty feature: One touch “I’m safe” messaging that allows users to broadcast reassurance to family and friends via social media outlets that they are out of harm’s way.
Please stay safe..And yes the image is a fake..Please dont get scared…..Its a merge of NY on a normal day and Supercell Thunderstorm on an abnormal evening….lol

Life Explained

Even my grandfather used to tell this joke to me …..Phew…

A Little Monday Motivation

A Little Monday Motivation

(design credits:, Sharing